Well, it’s been a year since I started my blog, where has the time gone...literally because my sense of time has been ruined by this pandemic. Now, it’s crazy to know that it has been a whole year since I started writing and putting my thoughts out there. This started as a way to clear my head from all the nonsense that was happening to me in 2020. It slowly became therapy for me and I felt better. I also started taking blogging seriously because of how I enjoyed it. I talked a bit more in this post for celebrating six months of my blog. I talked about some realizations after having my blog for a while.

Image from Ivory Mix
Now, you might see that there are some new changes on my blog if you visit a lot. I decided to brighten up my blog with a different colour scheme and some new images. I also decided to create a Kofi account. I wasn’t sure if I would do something like this but I think it would be helpful. I’m still a university student (starting my final year soon) and I’ve been starting to see how I can earn some extra cash as a blogger. I’m not going all out yet as I’m still doing my research but this is a start. So, as of now, there will be a little button at the end of posts or at the corner of the screen where you can “buy me a coffee”... if you like haha. It can definitely help with managing my blog and it’s another way to show your support! In this post, I’m going to do something like that but in a Q&A. I went on Twitter and put out a tweet about my Q&A and I got left with some lovely questions from some bloggers. I’ve seen other bloggers do this for celebrating the first anniversary and I always thought it was a great idea and I get to interact with the blogging community again. Let’s get started!
What’s been your favourite part of blogging? (From Mind. Beauty. Simplicity)
It has to be the interactions with the blogging community. When I started, I was a bit scared to put myself out there but I was greeted with a warm welcome by many bloggers, whether new like me at the time or experienced.
Where do you see your blog going in the future/goals you have? (From Mind. Beauty. Simplicity)
Well, I hope I can earn an income with my blog, I really want to have more content on it and have a proper schedule for posting. I had a once-a-week schedule but it got messed up with an overload of assignments and honestly my mental health. I’m going to my final year now and preparing myself to really organize myself with school and my blog. I don’t want to abandon my blog for so long again haha. Also, finally, update my old posts...I’ve taken too long to do that.
What have been some lessons learned? (From Mind. Beauty. Simplicity)
To protect my emotions and prioritize myself before anyone. I wasted almost a whole year trying to please someone and it just drained me and caused me to hurt. Now, I’m cautious because I don’t think I can manage another heartbreak haha.
What is your favourite post you have written? (From Tales of Belle)
Honestly, it’s between my posts about “Being The Quiet Girl” and “Not Feeling Like Myself (Letting Go)". “Being The Quiet Girl” is about my life as being...the quiet girl, it wasn’t the best thing for me growing up but I learnt to love it. “Not Feeling Like Myself (Letting Go)” is one of my older posts where I express my thoughts after a breakup and being honest with myself.
What advice would you give to new bloggers? (From Tales of Belle)
My advice is to take your time and do some research on blogging before starting up anything. Blogging can be quite confusing so it’s good to have some knowledge before clicking publish on anything. I have two posts that some new bloggers found helpful, the one I wrote on the expectations of blogging and my post reflecting on six months of blogging.
If you could travel to a fictional world, where would you go? (From Headphones Thoughts)
I’m not sure actually if this makes sense, I tend to daydream often so I wouldn’t mind if a travelled to my daydream world haha.
Do you think you'll be blogging long-term? (From Lynn Mumbing Mejia)
I enjoy it a lot and I can see this as a great hobby for me for years.
Any exciting plans coming up this year? (personal, travel, purchases etc) (From Lynn Mumbing Mejia)
Not really haha, my main focus now is my final year of university for my first degree. I hoping I could get to travel around Christmas time though, to visit some family in England and just to get out of the house.

Image from Ivory Mix
What’s your favourite social media platform? (From Lynn Mumbing Mejia)
My favourite is Twitter! I enjoy using it for leisure because there are so many funny people on it and also I enjoy using it for my blog!
What got you into blogging/Why did you start your blog? (From BabyGayDays & ReadAndReviewIt)
Boredom during a pandemic haha and also, a lot of thoughts running through my head and I needed an outlet.
What’s been your biggest blogging lesson since starting? (From BabyGayDays)
Patience is a virtue! Managing a blog is not a piece of cake and it’s very time-consuming. It’s great if you have free time but I learnt quickly that it’s not just writing and posting..it’s a whole lot more.
Would you ever change your niche / the topics you feel comfortable with now? (From Sophia Patel)
To be honest, I’m not sure if ever had a niche haha, I consider myself as a personal blogger since most of my content is based on my experiences. Not sure if I’ll completely change it but maybe in the future I can try different kinds of content.
What do you dislike most about blogging? (From Sophia Patel)
Maybe having to spend a lot of time promoting, it’s worth it for sure but it can be tiring sitting on Twitter for a while or trying to figure out Pinterest haha.
Have you ever experienced writer's block? How do you get over it? (From Sophia Patel)
Definitely! I experienced it a few times since I started my blog. If it happens, I’ll properly take a little break from working on my blog or I’ll read some old posts of mine for inspiration.
What are you most proud of that has come out of blogging/ What are you most happy about your blog? (From Enviroline Blog & Remington Tufflips)
The way my content has connected with people. I find myself being very honest in my writing than in real life and whenever I write a post and I read the feedback, it’s always heartwarming. I never thought that I’ll have so many people relate to me so much, like my anxiety or wondering if I’m an adult yet haha.
What are you currently reading? (From Enviroline Blog)
Nothing right now, but I have a few books just sitting on a shelf for me to read..and also a few in my amazon shopping cart.
What’s your favourite part of blogging? (From Metaphysical Mama & ReadAndReviewIt )
Interacting with the blogging community, everyone I’ve interacted with has been super nice! Hopefully, it stays that way haha.
What's your biggest challenge as a blogger? (From Remington Tufflips)
Having a regular schedule. I tried to post once a week but life tends to come in the way. I want to continue this schedule to continue building up my blog and I’m working on it for the next following weeks.
I want to thank everyone who sent in a question! Their links are beside the questions so you can check them out, they’re all lovely. I also want to thank anyone who’s checked out my blog, read a post or left a comment. I sound like a broken record but I’m really appreciative and super grateful. Deciding to become a blogger has been one of the best decisions I’ve made in a while and I hope I can really do this long term. Thank you!!
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I hope you're at your happiest if not, it's okay...I hope you're starting or working on reaching the highest peak of happiness.
- Anissa (TheQuietGirl)