With my blog being only 3 months old and being tagged into something like this just makes me excited for many more months and years of being a blogger and being a part of this great community. I’m grateful to be nominated for this award and today, I’m going to return the favour of this lovely award.
Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels
The rules
Here are some rules:
Thank the blogger that nominated you and give a link to their site
Do a post about this award
Give a brief summary of how you started your blog
Give two pieces of advice for any new blogger
Select at least 15 other bloggers for this award
Let each nominee know you’ve nominated them and give a link to your post.
I would like to thank Safiyyah (dashdiary) for this nomination. She was actually the first blogger that contacted me and expressed how she loved my blog. Thank you for the support in my starting days and I am forever grateful.
Her blog has a wide range of mental health, self-growth and some lovely motivational and inspirational quotes and write-ups. You can check her out at:
How I started my blog
After a difficult period with online school, in august, I develop the idea of starting a blog. During that period, I was going through lots of emotions and thoughts that wouldn’t leave my head and I found a safety net in writing, particularly, the note app on my phone. After writing, I would feel so much better the day after, I would read my notes over and think to myself, “This doesn’t sound that bad actually”. I had a talk with my father about it and my plan for it and he told me to go for it. He helped me with setting up my blog and ta-da, “Learning, Expressing & Being Yourself” was created. I chose that name as it is something that I strive to do every day and I think everyone should strive for that as well. My first few posts were just me expressing myself and how I felt at the time then I realize that there is nothing wrong with feeling things, it's how you take on those feelings. I want my blog to be a safety net for other people, to allow them to be okay with what they feel and learn from it, learn from themselves, to accept themselves. I’m still in the early stages of my blog but the small support I’m getting means so much to me, hopefully, one day, my blog would be really big, but that’s not a rush, I want to appreciate every minute of this journey.
My advice to new bloggers
Take that risk
When I started my blog, a part of me was a bit afraid that my blog wouldn’t go anywhere or that my idea meant nothing and it could be a waste of time. Do not pay attention to those thoughts, those “what if’s” may block something that could be a great opportunity for you. Being nervous about publishing your blog is normal but trust in the process. Don’t be afraid to connect and engage with other bloggers.
Take your time
The thought of having lots of views and comments on your blog is every blogger’s dream...but it’s not gonna happen overnight. Some bloggers are lucky in their first month and some take a few months or years. Take your time and practice your writing, working on the look of your blog, making it something people what to stay and read. Also, you don’t need to spam content on your blog or spam links on your social media or under other bloggers' comments. I did that in my first days, particularly by posting content every day on my blog and spamming links on my social media, this doesn’t give a professional look, it may come off as desperate and most people would look over your content. My content has improved greatly since I have taken my time with building blog ideas, practising my writing, and using a proper layout of my posts and I have gotten back some lovely feedback. And lastly, enjoy doing it, it will show in your posts.
My nominees
This is a list of bloggers whose content I enjoy reading and some who have also provided me with support as well. Make sure you check them out.
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